13 Self Care Night Ideas To Improve Your Productivity

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Want to know what self care night ideas will make you the happiest that you can be? These self care night ideas will give you the best chance you have at getting a restful sleep and improve productivity.

self care night ideas

Night routines are very important and if you are anything like me, you are doing all that you can to have the best self care night routine to increase your productivity. As someone who LOVES self care, I am going to share all of the best self care night ideas to improve your productivity. 

You are going to learn all about the best self care night ideas so you can be as productive as you possible can. 

After learning about all of the top self care night ideas, you will be a pro and have an excellent idea of how to have a fantastic self care night routine. 

This post is all about the best self care night ideas. 

Unique Self Care Night Ideas To Improve Your Productivity

1. Drink Herbal Tea

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Herbal tea is essential for self care night routines because of the calming effect is has on the body. The warm water relaxes you as you get ready to go to bed. There are many different types of herbal teas you can take to help aid your sleep. The main types are magnolia tea, low caffeine green tea, chamomile tea, lavender tea, valerian tea, passionflower tea, and any type of mint tea. 

You should make sure to drink tea around 1-2 hours before you go to sleep. Drinking tea too close to sleeping will cause you to have to use the restroom in the middle of the night… trust me I’ve had plenty of personal experiences of this lol. 

2. Take Magnesium

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Magnesium is a great supplement for those who struggle falling asleep and staying asleep at night. My mom who is 52, started having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. She began taking magnesium and immediately she was able to stay asleep for a full night. Magnesium improved my moms sleep and to this day, she incorporates it in her nightly self care routine. 

You should make sure you research magnesium further before use and depending on how much magnesium you plan on taking, consult in a doctor for advice on the supplement that aids in nightly self care and sleep. 

3. Stretch

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Stretching before bed is one of my absolute favorite night self care ideas. Stretching is so great because when you complete the stretch session, you feel so relaxed and comfortable in your body, which is one of my favorite feelings. To kick it up a notch, turn your stretching into yoga by focusing on your breath during the stretches. 

You should make sure to stretch in a comfortable location. Being in a comfortable environment will allow you to relax and deepen your stretches.

4. Epsom Salt Bath

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Love taking relaxing baths? ME TOO! Enhance your bath by adding epsom salts. Epsom salts relaxes your muscles, especially sore muscles, and is a tool that I used back when I was a college athlete. Now, it still has amazing benefits such as helping skin rashes, arteries, bruises, sprains and even insomnia. 

Make sure to add other supplies to make your bath experience extra cozy. Some examples are bubbles, candles, flowers, and bath bombs for coloring. 

5. Exfoliate

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Exfoliating your skin is crucial to every self care night routine. Adding exfoliation to your night self care routine will help remove dead skin from the surface of your skin. Exfoliation is beneficial for breaking up pigmented cells and removing the build-up of dry sin to help retain your skins healthy glow and smooth, soft texture as you mature. 

You should make sure to order an exfoliating scrub that suits your skin. For example, if you have dry skin then get an exfoliation scrub that is fitted for dry skin and vice versa for oily skin. Investing in an exfoliating scrub is absolutely crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

6. Shave And Pluck

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As someone who is half middle eastern, I have to shave every single day because of my dark hair on light skin. And don’t even get my started with my eyebrows!!! Feeling your absolute best will help you be more productive. If you are feeling great in your body then you are going to have more motivation to get things done. 

You should make sure to get a razor or pluckers that don’t irritate your skin. Do your research! 

7. Retinal

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I absolutely adore retinal because of my struggle with acne and acne scars. Retinal also helps neutralize free radicals in the middle layer of your skin. This can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and enlarged pores. I truly believe every healthy lifestyle includes some type of retinal as it works wonders for your skin. 

You should make sure to get a brand that fits your desires. There are natural retinals and chemically created retinals so get one that is your best fit. I have tried all of them and plenty of experience with different retinals.

8. Lotion

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This might sounds like a no brainer on the list of night self care ideas, but you shouldn’t underestimate the power of lotion.  Lotion reduces many skin problems: rehydrates dry skin, replenishes dry spots, softens the roughest part of your body, makes your skin glow and more. Besides the skin benefits, lotion also helps you to smell and feel good and help you relax. 

There are so many types of lotions to get, so you should do your research and make sure you get a lotion specific to your needs. 

9. Oil

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Oiling your skin provides deep hydration and lasting moisture that helps reduce sings of premature aging. It is best to put oil on your skin after you moisturize your skin as it helps holds the moisture on your skin. This self care trick is impactful for every healthy lifestyle. 

You should make sure to purchase an oil that correlates to the benefits that you desire. For example, I use coconut oil on my skin because of its reputation of anti-inflammation and antioxidant benefits. 

10. Creams

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Continuing on the skin care routine, creams are an essential part of any night self care routine. They provide extra attention to parts on your skin that needs help such as around your eyes or hands. My favorite benefit of cream is its ability to help with dry skin, as I myself and terribly dry skin. Incorporating skin creams to your self care routine will help you stay healthy on your healthy lifestyle journey. 

You should make sure to get creams that are suited for your needs. 

11. Read

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Reading before bed helps calm the brain before sleep. It helps de-simulate the brain and helps with sleep quality. Personally, going on my phone before bed versus reading before bed I notice a huge difference. Grab your favorite book to make bed time become your new favorite time of the day. 

You should make sure to read an appropriate amount of time as if you read too long, you might lose precious hours of sleep resulting in being tired the next day. Trust me, this has happened to be before. 

12. Journal

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Journaling before bed is another crucial night self care ideas. Journaling allows you to put your worries on paper and allows you to vent your concerns and adopt a calmer mindset as you prepare for sleep. Something I love doing is writing down five things that I was grateful for during the day. This allows me to adopt a thankful mindset for all of the blessings I have in my life. 

Journaling is very therapeutic. If you have never tried it before, you might be surprised how beneficial it truly is. 

13. Pray

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Pausing before you go to sleep in gratitude is one of the best things to do to calm yourself down. Bedtime prayers connects you deeper to the Creator of the universe and boosts our self esteem and is the best way for lasting happiness. Whatever it is that you believe in, I encourage you to connect to them. I am Catholic and I thank God everyday for all of the blessings He gives me, and I truly recommend that you do too. 

If you are new to praying do not be discouraged, there are many articles and supplies you can get to help you feel confident in praying. 

This post was all about self care night ideas so you can be as productive as possible.


  • How To Organize Your Day In 9 Easy Steps – Happy with Hannah

    December 4, 2023 at 6:25 pm

    […] Another tip on how to organize your day is sticking to a routine. It can take over a month for your body to accumulate to a routine but once it does, your discipline levels will skyrocket. The hardest part is staying disciple at the beginning. Plan a morning routine and night routine so that you can be as productive as possible. You will be surprised how beneficial self care routines can be. If you are looking for a night routine, take a look at my recent blog 13 Self Care Night Ideas To Improve Your Productivity.   […]

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