How To Organize Your Day In 9 Easy Steps

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Want to know how to organize your day so you can be productive? This list will show you how to organize your day in 9 easy steps.

how to organize your day

Organizing your day can be overwhelming and if you’re anything like me, you are doing all of the research you can to understand proper techniques to organize the day. As someone who loves staying organized and on track, I am going to share all of the organization tips so you can learn how to organize your day. 

You are going to learn all about how to organize your day so you can be as productive and on top of things as you can be.

After learning all about how to organize your day, you are going to be extremely organized and have the tips you need to stay on track. 

This post is all about how to organize your day.

How To Stay Organized In 9 Easy Steps

1. Plan Your Day

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At the beginning of each day or the night before, plan out the task you should be doing each hour. Instead of doing this daily, you can instead plan your daily tasks at the beginning of the week or at the beginning of the month to keep consistency. Nevertheless, having a calendar with hours time blocked will keep you accountable when you move throughout the day to stay on schedule. 

Tip: You should make sure to have easy access to the calendar such as a physical agenda or a software such as google calendar. Having easy access to your calendar will allow you to view the calendar more often thus enhancing your discipline. 

2. Meal Prep

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Meal prepping literally got me through college. Every Sunday I would make a ton of meat and rice which would carry me through the entire week. If you have meal prepped before, you understand. Instead of having to cook a meal everyday, you spend two hours on Sunday preparing meals so you can quickly eat without preparing anything during the week. 

Tip: You should make sure to use glass containers to store your food. Plastic Tupperware risks BPA leaching from the container and can liner into foods and beverages. 

3. Stick To A Routine

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Another tip on how to organize your day is sticking to a routine. It can take over a month for your body to accumulate to a routine but once it does, your discipline levels will skyrocket. The hardest part is staying disciple at the beginning.

Plan a morning routine and night routine so that you can be as productive as possible. You will be surprised how beneficial self care routines can be. If you are looking for a night routine, take a look at my recent blog 13 Self Care Night Ideas To Improve Your Productivity.  

If you want to stick to a routine, then you should make sure to stay as discipline as possible. A good way to stay discipline is by writing out your goals and acknowledging your weaknesses.

4. Pick Outfits The Night Before

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Laying out your outfit the night before saves you A LOT of time in the morning. If you are anything like me, your brain is not 100% functioning in the morning. To have an outfit laying on the ground or on hangers to simply slip on without thinking is one of the best things ever. If I do not pick out my outfit in advance, then I will probably just opt for the same sweater and leggings combo. 

What’s wrong with wearing the same sweater and leggings combo? If it’s not obvious then let me tell you. The nicer you dress the better you feel and the more likely you’ll get work done and be productive. As someone who works from home, I totally attest to this. When I dress nice for the work day I get so much more work completely then I would if I were to wear sweats the entire day. 

Tip: You should make sure to remove the wrinkles from your clothes the night before as well. It will make your life a whole lot easier when the morning comes around. 

5. Create A To-Do List

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To-Do lists are essential for organizing your day. I absolutely love to-do lists because they hold you accountable. If planning your day hour by hour is not for you, To-Do lists are your best friends. In college, practically everyone I knew had some sort of to-do list. Even my boyfriend, who is the most Type B person I have ever known uses To-Do lists.

All you have to do is write a list of things that you would like to accomplish for the day. Take it a step further and make To-Do lists for the entire week! These can be a specific or broad as you would like, but trust me when I say they will transform your life!

6. Maintain A Clean Living Space

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Maintaining a clean living space is essential for organizing your day. Knowing where everything is will help you if you are running late or need to accomplish a task in a specific amount of time. Also, if you are anything like me, the cleaner my living space is the more productive I am. When my room is dirty I get super stressed out and cannot efficiently accomplish tasks.

There are many incentives to why people chose to have clean living spaces. Do you want to have a clean living space in the case that you are running late and need to find things? Or do you want to have a clean living space so you can be more productive? Identifying your why will help you in creating your own living space. 

Another tip is that you could even put cleaning into your planner schedule or calendar schedule to make sure that it gets done. We love having and sticking to a schedule so this is a great idea for you Type A girls. 

7. Have Realistic Goals

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A great tip on how to organize your day is having realistic goals. For example, if you are set on becoming more fit but do not regularly work out, don’t start with an intense 6-7 day workout plan. It would be better to start with 4-5 days and on your days off opt for a walk or yoga for recovery. Keeping realistic goals will allow you to actually accomplish them, and accomplishing goals gives you the motivation to create new ones. 

You should make sure to write down your goals on a physical or software environment. Something that I do, is I write in big and bold letters my goals for the month. I then put that paper in my room so I look at it every day.

As well as having goals, it is important to have a plan to accomplish these goals to make sure they are achievable. My system is to write year goals, month goals, week goals, and day goals. And plan exactly what I will do in small steps to make it to my year goals. 

8. Stay Off Social Media

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Staying off social media is honestly one of the best things you can do to organize your day. Social media is a huge time waster and can get in your way of sticking to your schedule to be productive. I struggle with this often as sometimes when I am writing these posts, I will get a notification on my phone andI get stuck in the rabbit hole of my phone. 

Some alternatives to your phone are journaling, going for a walk, reading, working out, hanging out with friends, music, art, baking, and more! A good idea is to start a new hobby that supplements your time spent on social media. 

You can also start a challenge of 7-days no social media. Something that I am doing is trying to do is no social media with the exception of keeping my snapchat streak with my boyfriend.. you know, because that is sooooo important haha (sarcasm).

9. Stay Discipline

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The last but certainly not least idea on how to organize your day is staying discipline. Personally, this is my biggest struggle and I think it’s a lot of others too. A great way to stay discipline is asking someone to hold you accountable.

For example, I try to go to the gym every morning before work, and if I miss a day my mom always lets me know. As annoying as it is (since I never asked her too comment lol) it actually has helped me stay consistent in going to the gym because I really don’t want her to nag at me LOL. 

Besides asking others to hold you accountable, there is something special about those who can be discipline without others influencing them. There are many tools that can help these people stay discipline. 

This post was all about how to stay organized in 9 easy steps so you can become extremely productive

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