15 Benefits Of A Good Night Sleep That Will Change Your Life

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Want to know 15 benefits of a good night sleep that will change your life? These 15 benefits of a good night sleep will motivate your to sleep more and completely transform your life into a better and happier person. 

15 benefits of a good night sleep

Getting a good night sleep is extremely hard, especially if you are naturally a night owl like me. The key to getting a good night sleep is not sleeping in, rather it is going to bed earlier. If you are able to go to bed earlier, then you will wake up feeling refreshed with a whole day ahead of you.

As someone who loves staying up late at night, staying discipline and reminding myself these 15 benefits of a good night sleep has helped me so much when focusing on getting a good night sleep. 

You are going to learn all about the top 15 benefits of a good night sleep that will change your life forever. 

After learning about these 15 benefits of a good night sleep, you are going to be so motivated when deciding if you should stay up late or go to bed at a reasonable time. 

This post is all about the top 15 benefits of a good night sleep that will change your life. 

15 Benefits Of A Good Night Sleep

1. Better Focus

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When people don’t get enough sleep, their reaction time and ability to focus declines. This is because the slow wave sleep restores brain function and leads to increased energy and alertness. Without the proper REM sleep, your cognitive ability will be reduced.

As a former college athlete, I regularly lacked sleep due to juggling soccer and school. I noticed once I stopped playing soccer and had more time for my studies resulting in more sleep, I did far better in my classes.

You should make sure to always get a good amount of sleep, especially if you have a big event the next day that you need to focus for.

2. Improves Mood

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Everyone know that one person who is SOO grumpy when they don’t have enough sleep. As annoying as it might sounds, their grumpiness is backed up by science as a lack of sleep correlates with lower mood, so it is important to always have enough sleep!

Being tired is enough to make anyone grumpy, so make sure you are always having a the right amount of sleep!You should make sure to scan your body every morning to see how your mood is doing. If you think you are getting enough sleep, but you are constantly grumpy, perhaps you actually need more sleep.

3. Reduces Stress

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Lack of sleep does not only bring higher levels of stress, but also frustration, depression, and anxiety. If you give yourself more sleep, then you will have less anxiety causing you to be stress free. On the flip side, high levels of stress impair sleep and tends to make it harder to fall asleep and can even fragment sleep.

When I was in preseason for soccer, I would wake up multiple times during the night because of stress. Both stress and sleep are inversely related to each other.

You should make sure that you maintain your stress so that you have enough sleep for your body. The lack of sleep will only cause even more stress and anxiety bringing you into an unending cycle.

4. Get Along Better With Others

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One of the 15 benefits of a good night sleep is that it will help you get along with others better. Since sleep puts us in a better mood, it’s only natural to be happier which then makes it easier for you to get along with others.

Think about it, when you have a good night sleep, are you more friendly to others versus when you are super tired from not resting properly the night before?

Those questions are to help you understand that when you get a good night sleep, you become your best self.

5. Better Athletic Performance

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When I was in college soccer, my coach always emphasized the importance of sleep (which was ironic because of all of the late nights backed by early mornings), but his preaching was true even if his actions weren’t.

When you are well rested from a good night sleep, you are able to perform at your maximum capacity. If you don’t get enough sleep then you would feel more exhausted sooner which would later your perception of the effort it takes to perform.

If you have to choose between maintaining a proper sleep schedule or workout schedule, it is important to always prioritize sleep.

6. Improves Your Memory

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Sleeping plays an important role in retaining your memory. This is because memories become more stable in the brain during deep stages of sleep. After the deep stages, REM seems to place all of your memories together in very unexpected ways. If you’ve ever had a strange dream then perhaps start thinking about your memories first.

There are many other ways to improve your memory, but sleep is definitely the cheapest and most holistic way to achieve it.

7. Healthy Weight

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If you are looking to maintain or quit binge eating, then having a good night sleep is just for you! Binge eating is very prevalent at night, so if you go to bed early it will help you stop the binge eating tactics. Also, sleeping may help moderate your appetite.  People who are sleep deprived are more likely to binge eat due to trying to compensate for something.

If you struggling with binge eating, you should look into resources to help decrease the stress that is causing it.

8. Better Gut Health

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Studies have shown that sleep loss is correlated to the inflammation to the lining of your gut. When sleep deprivation occurs, it can increase the risk of pro-inflammatory molecules which have a direct impact to your gut. Your gut is your “second brain”, so it is important to consider your gut health.

If you missed a good night of sleep, you should make sure to take gut health supplements to supportive your gut. This ensures extra protection to your immune system even if you miss a full night of sleep.

9. Boosts Your Productivity

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One of the 15 benefits of a good night sleep is the boost of your productivity. With proper sleep, you are able to function at your highest cognitive ability, whereas if you lack sleep then you lack the cognitive functionality. With your cognitive ability lowered, you are less alert and slower to respond making your ability to execute functions very low. 

To take a step further in productivity, have an agenda that lists all of your tasks for the week. Organizing your day helps you take that extra step towards productivity. 

10. Promotes Growth

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Sleeping and growth go hand in hand because you do most of your growing during your sleep. This is because your growth hormone is normally released during sleep. With that being stated, if you go one night without sleep then it will not impact your growth, but if you go long term with limited sleep then you shouldn’t be surprised if your growth is stunted. 

Besides your height, sleeping promotes hair growth, finger nail growth, and more! The health of these things correlate with how healthy your body truly is. 

11. Helps Your Immune System

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The first benefit of a good night sleep is the protection of your immune system. When we sleep, our bodies produce a protein called cytokine, which targets inflammation and infection that creates an immune response. This is part of why when we are sick, it is good to sleep since your body redirects it’s energy to your immune system and speeds up the recovery process. 

For extra protection of your immune system, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc will all help your immune system as well. 

12. Better Attention Span And Reaction Time

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Scientists conclude that a lack of sleep correlates with lower alertness and concentration. Other studies also conclude that the results can be similar as to someone who is drunk! Proper sleep ensures a better attentions pan and reaction time because sleep allows your brain to catch up so you are ready for what’s next. 

You should always get enough sleep, especially if you have an important test that requires your attention or reaction. 

13. Better Muscle Recovery

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Sleep is very essential for muscle recovery. It’s during sleep that your body undergoes changes that aids in the repair and rebuilding of muscles and damaged tissues. Lack of sleep with decrease this process as your body will not have enough time to properly repair the muscles after workouts. 

14. Healthier Heart

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A benefit of a good night sleep is having a healthy heart. It’s shown that people with sleep disorders that are left untreated have been linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Make sure you have enough sleep because it truly impacts every part of your body. 

15. Lowers Your Risk Of Serious Diseases

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One of the 15 benefits of a good night sleep is that it lowers your risk for serious diseases. The combination of protecting against stress, appetite, and cardiovascular health all contribute to a lower risk of serious diseases. The phrase “I can sleep when I die” is counterintuitive, because a lack of sleep brings you closer to serious diseases.

To help your immune system stay strong, there are plenty of supplements you can take to ensure you are staying healthy and away from serious diseases.

This post was all about 15 benefits of a good night sleep that will change your life.


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