10 Facts About St. Patrick That Will Transform Your Life

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Want to know borderline genius facts about St. Patrick that will transform your life? These 10 facts about St. Patrick will completely transform your life and make you mentally strong. 

facts about st. Patrick

St. Patrick’s day is very popular and if you’re anything like me, you are doing all you can to prepare for Saint Patrick’s day, including learning facts about St. Patrick! As someone who loves learning new things to transform my life, these are 13 facts about St. Patrick that will completely change your life for the better. 

You are going to learn all about the best facts about St. Patrick that will transform your life that I swear by. 

After learning these 13 facts about St. Patrick, your life is going to transform for the better. 

This post is all about the best facts about St. Patrick that will transform your life. 

10 Facts About St. Patrick

1. Born In Scotland

The first fact about St. Patrick was that he was actually born in Scotland. Many people are not aware of this since he is associated with Ireland; however this is a great instance to show that it doesn’t matter where you are born you can be known for anything.

It’s important to remember that you are capable of anything, you just have to put in the work and most people don’t want to put in the work. When I started this blog I romanticized it thinking it would be all positive and no downsides. Although I absolutely love and adore blogging, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine and there are hard days of thunderstorms and dark clouds., but that is with everything. If you are willing to continue through the hardships you will be unstoppable.

2. Saint Patrick’s From Italian Descent

St. Patrick came from Italian descent which is another instance that proves your past doesn’t dictate your future legacy. Also, it’s important to note that your ancestors legacy doesn’t have to be yours. If they were great people then you still have to do your best to be a great person too, and counter if your ancestors were not the best people then it doesn’t dictate your role in being a good person. Everyone is completely different and you should do your best to find yourself without comparing yourself to your ancestors.

The best way to find yourself is to journal about what you want in life, where you are now, and how to get there. By examining your goals and your strategy to get there, you can find out who you truly are.

3. Taken as a slave at age 16

St. Patrick was taken by Irish raiders and taken to slavery in Ireland. St. Patrick’s life was completely turned around, and instead of being utterly destroyed by his circumstance, he prayed and relied on God. God helped him through the hardships and gave him hope that he would one day overcome his slavery.

If you are in an unbearable situation, have hope! There will be an end to it and keep your mind focused on overcoming the situation. It is common to get stressed out by the situation, so always relax and stay focused.

4. Received A Dream By God Telling Him To Go To The Coast

Another fact about St. Patrick, is that he continually prayed during his time as a slave and on his sixths year, he received a dream by God telling him to go to the coast.  Unsure of why he should go to the coast, St. Patrick obediently and faithfully followed God’s command. On the coast, St. Patrick found boaters that agreed to bring him back to Scotland to reunite with his family.

You should always take a leap of faith and trust others. You shouldn’t trust just anyone, but building a relationship with someone will allow you to trust them, as St. Patrick built his relationship with God for six years. God is the best relationship you will ever have, if you truly dive deep into knowing God.

5. Studied For 15 Years To Become A Priest

When St. Patrick returned to his home, he decided to dedicate his life to God by joining the priesthood. He spent over a decade learning about the Lord and studying to become a priest. His hard work and training allowed him to carry out all of the wonderful things he will go on to accomplish.

You should never underestimate school and learning. He invested 15 years of his life in learning about God, that is a very long time! But is was completely worth it because his knowledge and love for God allowed him to accomplish great things. If you are still in school or if you are learning a new topic, instrument, skill, etc. be patient! Your time will come, but first you need to master your skill.

6.  St. Patrick Received Another Dream Saying Go Back To Ireland

After St. Patrick completed his school, he received another dream by God telling him to go back to Ireland. Again, St. Patrick had no fear and followed God wholeheartedly. Without hesitation, St. Patrick traveled to Ireland and began preaching. Back when St. Patrick was a slave in Ireland, he probably didn’t even imagine he’d be going back to Ireland to preach the word of God. This shows that you truly never know what future has in store.

You should live everyday to the fullest because your life’s trajectory could go in any direction.

7. St. Patrick preached converted Ireland for 40 years

St. Patrick preached and converted thousands of Irish people to Christianity for 40 years. St. Patrick had no fear and put all of his faith in God during his journey. He lived a life of poverty as he traveled Ireland, but it was all worth it for him as his true passion was spreading the good news.

You should find your passion and devote your life to it. Never-mind the materialist things for they will not truly make you happy. Find your passion and explore that, life is too short to do anything else.

8. St. Patrick Used A Shamrock To Explain The Trinity

St. Patrick used the shamrock from clovers to explain the Trinity to the Irish. ☘️ It is important to be creative and speak to people in terms that they know. St. Patrick’s creativity brought many people to Christianity. You should always strive to be creative in any way that you can. Creativity is not only good for the mind, but you can reach so many people by using it.

9. Died On March 17

St. Patrick passed away on March 17 461 and Ireland has been honoring his death ever since. They absolutely adore St. Patrick as he was one of the biggest drivers of Christianity to Ireland. In 1631, St. Patrick’s day became a religious holiday recognized by the church. However, it wasn’t until the Irish immigrated to America and brought the holiday over that America started celebrating St. Patrick’s day as a holiday in 1762.

St. Patrick continued to convert people even after his death as his legacy lives on. We can try our best to help people the best we can, and St. Patrick is a wonderful example to strive for.

10. Put All Of His Faith In God

St. Patrick lived his life putting all of his faith in God. He was a humble and gentle man whose love and devotion to God drove his life and is a shining example for each of us. He feared nothing, not even death! His complete trust in God is inspiring and something we should all try to replicate. 

Putting your faith in something is important, not matter what you believe in. I recommend putting your faith in God, but loving a higher power truly gives you a reason bigger than life to live. 

This post was all about the best facts about St. Patrick that will transform your life.

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