The Ultimate Body Skin Care Routine For Women Who Want Glowing Skin

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Curious to know what the best steps are for the ultimate body skin care routine for women? These are 15 essential steps to follow that will give you the best body skin care routine you need to have glowing skin. 

body skin care routine

Facing the weather changes can impact your skin and if you’re anything like me, you are doing all of the research you can to prevent dry or oily skin during this time of the year. As someone who loves having clear skin, I am sharing the best body skin care routine steps so that you can have glowing skin this year. 

You are going to learn all about the ultimate body skin care routine to have glowing skin. 

After learning about the best body skin care routine, you are going to master the art of having clear and glowing skin. 

This post is all about the ultimate body skin care routine for women who want glowing skin.

The Ultimate Body Skin Care Routine

1. Wash Body After Your Hair

best body skin care routine

Washing your body after your hair is the first body skin are routine you should take into consideration. When you wash your hair, runoff from shampoo and conditioner might end up on your body and can lead to clogged pores and breakouts.

It’s very important to go from top to bottom when washing your body in the shower so there is no dirt being left on your body after the shower. This means you should start face and work your way down your body when washing. 

You should make sure to use a body wash that best works with your body. My personal favorite is Native body wash as it contains all natural ingredients and no toxins. There are many other types of natural body wash you can purchase, just make sure to stay away from sulfates, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, and retinyl palmitate just to name a few. 

2. Exfoliate Your Body

body skin care routine for dry skin

Exfoliating follows the same rules as working top to bottom of your body. Start with exfoliating your face, neck, and chest. Then, if you want to exfoliate your legs or stomach then you should exfoliate them after your face, neck, and chest. 

Remember that each exfoliating cream is different, but typically they require you letting it sit on your face for a few minutes, so get comfy!

Likewise to the body wash, you are going to make sure you get a brand of exfoliating cream that works best for your body. Majestic Pure Himalayan Salt Body Scrub provides hydration and exfoliation with all natural ingredients without toxic chemicals. 

3. Rinse off (Warm Water vs. Cold Water)

how to get clear body skin naturally

After all of the soaps and exfoliating, you should make sure to rinse everything off removing all of the dirt and runoff. It’s important to note that there is a difference between warm showers and cold showers.

Warm showers can help with cardiovascular health, joint health, and a better sleep. Whereas cold showers reduce inflammation, lower stress levels, and reduce muscle soreness. 

You should take your goals into consideration when deciding your shower’s temperature levels. It’s also important to note that warm water opens the pores on your skin whereas cold water closes them.

Unless you STRONGLY need the benefits of a warm shower, I usually recommend turning the water on cold for the last minute of my shower to close my pores. 

4. Dabble Towel To Dry Skin

body shop skin care routine

An often forgettable but important step to consider in your body skin care routine is how you dry your skin after a shower. You should make sure to ALWAYS dabble your towel on your skin because it rubbing a towel against your skin can aggregate your skin. Especially if you have sensitive skin, you should make sure to always be careful when drying your skin. 

Another consideration to drying your skin is to use silk or any soft material to dry your skin. Sometimes towels can be rough and irritate your skin.

5. Toner

how to take care of skin at home

Once your skin is dry, you should apply a toner to your face and neck. Toners are the in-between step between washing your face and applying your products.

This is because toners are designed to pick up any extra dirt that you missed when washing your face. Also, toners help to hold your products on your skin, allowing them to have a deeper impact. 

There are many different type of toners you can use. There are alcohol-based toners, glycol-based toners, and water-based toners. You should pick a toners based on your specific needs, but you can’t go wrong with any of them! 

6. Face Mask

daily skin care routine at home

Face masks are essential to your body skin care routine because they allow for important vitamins and minerals to go deep into your skin in a shortened time. There are many different types of face masks: sheet masks, peel-off masks, clay masks, and hydrogels so just pick your favorite!

Another consideration is the different minerals, vitamins, and benefits the face mask includes. You should make sure to get a face mask that best works for your skin type such as anti-again, dry skin, acne prone skin, and more.

7. Moisturize Your Body (Chest Down)

skin care routine quiz

While your face mask is still on, you should moisturize your entire body chest down with body lotion. Body lotion should be heavy duty, but you should make sure to be aware that your body lotion doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals.

Some toxic chemicals include parabens, artificial fragrances, methylisothiazolinone 7, and phthalates. Although the body on your skin compared to your face is typically not as sensitive, it’s sill important to understand to get products that aren’t toxic or will upset your skin.

You should make sure to get body lotion that works with your specific needs. There’s lotions based on dry skin, oily skin, eczema, and more. So make sure you get a proper moisturizer that your body excels in.

8. Oil Your Body (Chest Down)

skin care routine 30s

After applying body lotion all over your body, you should go over the body lotion with body oil. As moisturizers are water based, oils are oil based, so when you apply oil after your moisturizer, it prevents moisturizer loss and seals the moisturizer into your skin for long-lasting hydration.

Some types of body oils include coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, and argan oil.

You should make sure to get a body oil that works best for you. My favorite is coconut oil because it can help treat acne, reduce inflammation, and contribute to a more even skin tones. 

9. Serums

whole body skin care routine

After you complete your lower body skin care routine, you can move on to your face and neck. First, remove your face mask. Next, use a serum that aligns with your goals.

For example, mixing vitamin C and retinol has tremendous benefits for people who want clearer skin, anti-aging benefits, or glowing skin in general. To use them together, use vitamin C in the morning and retinol at night.

You should make sure to use a brand of retinol that works best with your skin. I’ve experimented A LOT, and Neutrogena Hydro Boost Retinol has given me the best results during my journey of getting rid of my acne scars.

10. Spot Treatment For Acne and Blemishes

body skin care routine dermatologist

Spot treatment is essential for people who have acne and blemishes on their skin. Spot treatment is essentially a cream or gel that you put on a blemish spot to help reduce any unwanted spots.

Also, the ingredients typically include anti-inflammatory ingredients to prevent swelling. To receive the best results, you should use spot treatments 1-3 times a day. 

11. Eye Cream

body skin care routine steps

Once you hit your 20s, you should be using eye cream every day. Once your spot treatment is applied, apply your eye cream all around your eyes.

The benefits of eye cream help hydrate, reduce puffiness around the skin, defend agains UV rays, and other environmental factors. Also, eye cream is perfect for preventing wrinkles in the future, as wrinkles around the eyes are extremely common.

12. Moisturize On Face And Neck

body acne skin care routine

After you apply your eye cream, now is the time to moisturize with your favorite face lotion your face and neck. A good rule of thumb, is that everything you apply to your face you should also apply to your neck.

Similar to your body lotion, you should make sure toxic chemicals like parabens, artificial fragrances, methylisothiazolinone 7, and phthalates are not included in your face lotion. 

Typically the skin on your face and neck are more sensitive than the skin on your body, so pay extra attention to the brand and type of face lotion you apply. 

13. Face Oils 

skin care routine 30s

The next body skin care routine item is applying face oils. Likewise to body oils, face oils coat the lotion into your skin allowing a deeper and longer lasting hydration impact on your skin. 

There are many different types of face oils that tackle different needs. If you want an anti-aging oil, then apply lavender oils to your face; if you want an oil for dry skin then try coconut or Argan oils. 

14. Lip Moisturizer

body skin care products

If you have dry lips, or if the weather is changing and causing you to have dry lips, applying a lip moisturizer is a must! Lip moisturizers come in different forms from a lip mask, chapstick, vaseline, and more. 

Although chapstick is an essential body skin care routine, you should keep it handy and available during the day so you can apply it when needed. 

15. Sunscreen (AM Only)

skin care routine for 20s

The last body skin care routine item is sunscreen. Sunscreen is important to wear every single morning (even if it’s not sunny!). It’s important to wear sunscreen because it protects against skin cancer and prevents premature aging caused by the sun.

You should make sure to wear mineral sunscreen over chemical sunscreen. Mineral sunscreen provides better protection than chemical sunscreen because it simply reflects the UV rays whereas chemical sunscreen attempts to deactivate UV rays and causes many skin irritation to peoples skin. 

This post was all about the best body skin care routine so you can have glowing skin. 

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