73 Christian Hot Seat Questions For Couples To Get To Know Each Other Better

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Want to know the best hot seat questions for couples to get to know each other better? These are 73 hot seat questions for couples you have to know to get to know each other better.

hot seat questions for couples

So, you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and you want to get to know them better? If yes, then these questions are for you! 

These Christian hot seat questions for couples are the perfect tool you need to get to know your partner more deeply. If you are thinking about the next steps in your relationship, then take a look at these hot seat questions for couples first.

My boyfriend and I reviewed these questions to make sure that we are aligned in the same views and it was so worth it! We now understand each other better and are so much more thankful to have each other in our lives. 

You are going to learn all about the best hot seat questions for couples so that you can get to know your partner better. If you want to bring up serious conversations but are too scared to bring them up, then say you want to take a hot seat questions for couples and reference this blog!

This post is all about Christian hot seat questions for couples to get to know each other better. 

Christian Hot Seat Questions For Couples

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Love Questions

hot seat questions for a lady

These are love questions to ask each other in your relationship. Love questions are all about your love for each other and the initial love connection that you had from the start of your relationship. It’s important to never lose your spark with each other, so if you feel you and your partner are getting too comfortable with each other, start looking at these questions and remember why you fell in love with them in the first place.

To document your love story with each other, you can create a scrapbook filled with all of the memories you have with your loved one. Scrapbooks are awesome and I am planning on making my boyfriend one for our 3 year anniversary coming up, thankfully he doesn’t read my blogs LOL!

1. What is something you will never take for granted about the other person?

2. Why do you want to be with each other?

3. What are your expectations in a relationship between each other?

4. What is your love language?

5. Expectations on physical intimacy now, when you’re married, when you have kids, and the future?

6. What is your favorite thing about the other person?

7. How do you make each other feel?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Deep Questions

hot seat questions funny

After the lovely “dovey” questions, now it’s time to get get vulnerable with each other. These questions are designed to create intimacy with each other that you don’t experience with anyone else. Understanding each others fears and wishes will help you build a foundation of trust. 

You should never judge your partner with their answers. If you think of their questions doesn’t make sense, do your best to understand them. The more you judge them the more your partner will turn away from you, so do your best to be open and respectful of each others vulnerability. 

8. How do you want to change the world?

9. Who is your biggest inspiration and why?

10. What do you want to be remembered as?

11. What is your biggest fear?

12. When you are 90, what is the most important thing that you want to have accomplished?

13. What do you want to accomplish each decade of your life?

14. What is your biggest insecurity?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Marriage & Kids Questions

hot seat questions spicy

Once you are able to get vulnerable with your partner, it’s time to start thinking about if you can go the distance. Based on conversations with many married couples, they all say that being married takes more than love. Being married is the choice to choose each other every day and raise a family with united values.

These questions are designed to see if you and your partner are compatible in marriage topics such as kids and parenting styles. Remember to be open to each others ideas.

The perfect union is not mimicking exactly how you or your partner were raised, instead it’s combining both of your upbringings. You should discuss what you loved and what you didn’t love from your upbringing, crafting your own family unit. 

15. Do you want to get married one day?

16. How many kids do you want?

17. What would you do and how would you feel if we can’t have kids?

18. What do you like and don’t like about your parents’ relationship?

19. What do you like and don’t like about your parents’ parenting style?

20. Expectations on putting each other before or after your children?

21. How do you plan on discipling your kids?

22. Do you plan on putting your kids in sports, music, or any other extracurricular activities?

23. When should your child have a phone and social media?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Religious Views

truths to ask your crush

Faith is an important discussion to have with your partner because if you are going to marry them, then you want to make sure they are a good role model for when you have kids. If you are Christian, you should take the questions below into account before getting married. 

You should make sure to be 100% clear before getting married on your intentions. When kids get involved, it can become difficult to navigate your family if you and your partner have not discussed religion. Make sure you’re on the right track and ask your partner these questions!

24. Do you believe in God?

25. What are your views on religion?

26. What are your views on spirituality?

27. What religion are you?

28. What religion will you raise your kids?

29. Do you or do you want to go to church every Sunday with your family?

30. How will you influence religion in your kids lives?

31. How will you react if your kid decides to leave your religion?

32. Do you want to pray with your kids before bed?

33. Do you expect to say grace before every meal?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Controversial Questions

ice breaker questions for dating

This is where the conversation could get very interesting. It’s important to tackle controversial questions sooner rather than later in your relationship. This is because if one of these topics are a deal breaker to you, then it would save you and your partner a lot of heartbreak.

However, hopefully you and your partner are both very open-minded to where you can meet in the middle. It’s very important to never judge your partners opinion and understand where they are coming from.

34. What are your views on abortion?

35. What are your views on drinking?

36. Where do you lie on the political spectrum?

37. How do you feel about hanging out with exes?

38. What are your views on viewing provocative photos of the opposite sex?

39. What are your thoughts on the death penalty?

40. What do you think of modern day feminism?

41. How do you see a woman’s role versus a man’s role in life and in a relationship?

42. Do you stay in touch with the news?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Money Questions

hot seat questions deep

Money is a very sensitive topic, and some of the questions I have listed are very personal, but if you are nearing marriage then it’s extremely important to take these questions into consideration. By establishing boundaries before your marriage, you will be able to know what to expect during your marriage and have no surprises that will irritate you. 

It’s important to note that you should have similar spending and saving habits. If one partner loves spending and the other partner loves saving, it could cause problems if there is no balance.  

43. What is your retirement plan?

44. What is your future job aspiration?

45. What percent of money do you save?

46. When we’re married do you expect to share money accounts or have separate money accounts?

47. What are your thoughts on a prenup?

48. Are you risky in your investments or conservative?

49. How much money do you have?

50. When do you plan on retiring?

51. Do you want to be a stay-at-home parent?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Realistic Questions

hot seat questions for friends

Some more questions you should consider are realistic every day questions that you will face as a couple. These questions are important because they show what your needs and wants are in life.

If you are a travel guru then maybe you shouldn’t be with someone who wants to stay in one place. Settle down and get chatting, because these questions are important!! 

52. Where do you want to settle down?

53. How often will you go out with your friends versus stay in with your parnter?

54. Do you want to have any pets in the future?

55. How clean do you expect to keep your house?

56. Expectations on vacations (how often, how expensive)?

57. How big of a house do you want to live in?

58. How would you deal if there was a medical emergency with your partner or child?

59. How often do you want to travel?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Dream Life Questions

juicy questions to ask a girl

These questions are extremely dear to me as I am a HUGE dreamer. I love dreaming about the future and have soo many ambitions. If you too are a dreamer, now is the time to discuss your hopes and dreams in life.

If you are with the right person, they will encourage you to act upon your dreams. If your partner doubts or makes fun of your dreams, that is a call for concern. 

60. What is your dream job?

61. What are your ambitions?

62. What is your dream life?

63. Where is your dream place to live?

64. What is a dream date you’d like to have with me?

65. What is your dream vacation?

66. How do you plan on accomplishing all of your dreams?

Hot Seat Questions For Couples: Love Story

juicy questions to ask a guy

One of my favorite things to talk about with my boyfriend is all of the memories that we’ve shared together. At this point, go back in time and discuss what you really thought of each other when you first met and weren’t close enough to talk about yet. 

When I first started dating my boyfriend, he continuously made jokes and for some reason I kept saying “you’re so funny.” Months later, I mentioned how I had to stop myself from continuously saying “you’re so funny” and he said that he noticed that too and almost made a joke about it but didn’t because he didn’t want to offend me. LOL.

The funny memories you both have can be very funny looking back so take a trip down memory lane! 

67. What did you think of me when we first met?

68. Why did you ask me out?

69. What did you think of our first kiss?

70. What was your favorite date we’ve been on?

71. What was the best outfit I’ve worn?

72. When is the moment you fell in love with me?

73. How has your perception of me changed from when we first met to now?

Want MORE hot seat questions for couples? Check out my blog post “Romantic Questions For Couples To Reconnect With Each Other”!! You will LOVE it!!

This post was all about the best Christian hot seat questions for couples to grow closer to each other. 

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