How To Have A Productive Morning Routine The Right Way

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A productive morning routine can really make your break your entire day. This productive morning routine will give you the best start to your productive day.

productive morning routine

Before we get into the productive morning routine, you should note that this is not just any morning routine. Rather it’s a productive morning routine that will ensure you get as much done as possible by the time the earth has finished rotating. 

As women living in western society, we are so busy!! There’s not ifs, who’s or what’s.. it is what it is. Although we can’t fully control our busy lives, we can control how we take them on. 

The first step in controlling our busy lives, is dominating our mornings. We can dominate our mornings by following this productive morning routine listed below. 

This post is all about how to have the best productive morning routine the right way.

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Steps To Have A Productive Morning Routine:

1. Don’t Scroll Through Your Phone

productive morning routine for students

I bet that majority of people spend A LOT of time scrolling through their phones in the morning. When I have sleepovers with my friends — yes, I’m 22 and still have sleepovers ;>) — I am always shocked on how much time my friends spend on their phones in the morning. 

Of course when we have sleepovers we aren’t trying to be productive that day, since it usually the weekend, but it shows our desire to be on our phones. Instead of hopping on your phone, replace that time with making your bed and journaling, praying, or meditating.

The rest of tis post will go over replacements for things to do besides being on your phone. But I wanted to start this productive morning routine off with acknowledging that you should avoid this. 

2. Meditate Or Pray 

morning routine list

The first thing I like to do in the morning that is essential to a productive morning routine, is mediate and pray. Once I wake up and yawn, I like to go straight into silence, making intentions for the day and focusing on how to accomplish them. Sitting in silence is a great way to calm your self and body before the busy day starts. 

Meditating can be very difficult, especially if you’ve never practiced it. Like anything, the more you practice meditating, the easier it becomes. You don’t have to meditate for a super long time, it can be as short as 30 seconds. Just do what feels the best for your body. 

If you are a spiritual person, consider praying along with meditating. Ask God what how you can honor Him this day and ask Him to help you accomplish tasks that praise and honor Him. Connecting with God in the morning will set you up for a productive and meaningful day.

3. Journal 

scientifically proven best morning routine

If you prefer writing things out, journaling can be a great alternative to meditating and praying. On the other hand, if you’re feeling inspired, you can certainly journal after meditating and praying to get even more benefits out of your productive morning routine.

Journaling is special because if you have too many thoughts or ideas, you can write it all out and analyze after. In the morning, your mind might be racing, but if you sit still and write everything out, you will feel so much better. 

Journaling has so many benefits such as giving you more emotional and mental awareness / wellbeing. These benefits are critical to start your day, because if you practice understanding how you feel on the inside, you will be able to consciously make smart and intuitive decisions during the rest of the day.

4. Stretch 

morning routines

Once you finish your choice of meditating, praying, journaling, or a combination of them, get on the floor and start stretching. Sleeping can tighten your body, and if you stretch out your body, you’ll get all of the cracks and pops out of your body.

Stretching has shown to improve serotonin levels. Starting your day off by fueling your happy hormones, will increase your likeliness of productivity. Also, stretching decreases your likelihood of depression and stress, so if you want to be productive, it’s important to have your mind sharp and far away from depression and stress. 

When I was a college athlete, I was so busy and overwhelmed with juggling school and soccer. When I stretched in the morning, I was able to be more productive than when I didn’t. When I didn’t stretch, I became easily stressed which caused me to be less productive. 

5. Drink Water With Electrolytes
productive morning routine examples

Drinking water with electrolytes is essential for a productive morning routine. There are many studies that show that over-drinking water could actually cause harm, and rather adding in electrolytes and salt is more beneficial to your hydration state. I truly believe this, because I use to drink so much water and would always have a headache. 

Drinking water with electrolytes will keep your muscles functioning properly, maintaining the natural fluid balance in the body. If your body is properly hydrated, then you will feel your best, meaning you can do your best. Staying healthy is essential to being productive. 

If you want to take electrolytes but are worried about all of the sugar in drinks like Gatorade or Powerade, opt for healthy electrolyte powder like Re-Lyte Electrolyte drink from Amazon. I use one scoop every morning, and it truly has cured my headaches and has given me so much energy to be productive. 

6. Workout 

morning routine ideas

After you hydrate yourself for the day, treat yourself to a workout. Now, if you want to do a workout in the morning, then this will take a lot of sacrificing. You will have to wake up very early, probably around 5am and go to be very early, probably 10pm the latest. It is very hard to wake up early and workout, as a non-morning person I understand, but working out in the morning is absolutely essential. 

Working out in the morning is essential, because it wakes you up and gets your blood flowing. With the newfound energy from working out, your mind is fresh and ready to take on the day. 

Back in college, I remember learning that you do your best on tests if you’re fully fed or have just finished working out. So, I made sure to always eat before an exam, and do pushups in my room. Something about getting your body moving truly helps you focus and prepare for the day ahead. 

7. Shower

productive day schedule

After you workout, make sure you shower — for obvious reasons. Besides the obvious reasons, showering can give you a fresh perspective on the day. If you’re anything like me, feeling clean does wonders to being productive during the day. 

If you have time, consider opting for a bath instead of a shower. Baths can give you similar benefits to meditating, praying, journaling, and stretching since it is meditative and releases stress. 

To avoid toxic chemicals from shampoo and conditioner, Native shampoo and conditioner on Amazon offers an organic approach to soap in the shower, that will keep you healthy during your showers. 

8. Body Care Routine

productive morning routine list

After your shower, make sure to apply all of your essential body care products to your face and body. For more information on a healthy body care routine, check out my post on The Ultimate Body Skin Care Routine For Women Who Want Glowing Skin. 

You should make sure to add all of the essential oils, lotion, and serums that your skin needs to be beautiful. Adding these products to your face is the perfect self-care that you need before you take on your busy day. 

9. Put Makeup On 

best way to start your morning

This is completely optional, but there are so many people who have told me that they feel more awake and ready for the day when they apply makeup, so if this is you, then I recommend putting that makeup on! Feeling confident will help you be more productive, so apply that makeup before starting your busy day. 

For me, I apply foundation everyday to cover up my long-lasting acne scars. I hope to one day stop wearing foundation, but when I put on foundation, I feel so awake and ready to take on the day. Therefore, on days when I need to be productive, I make sure to add the foundation on my face, and it always gives me so much energy.

10. Eat A Healthy Breakfast 

most productive morning routine

Unlike putting on makeup which is a mental energy booster, eating a healthy breakfast physically gives you so much more energy for the day. Since I’ve mentioned the importance to having energy, it’s important to note how energy correlates to being productive. 

If not already obvious, the more energy you have, the more you are able to accomplish for the day. Therefore, you should make sure to eat a breakfast that gives you the most energy. 

Eating protein in the morning will give you the most energy in the morning. Not only does protein give you energy, but it keeps you full the longest, and it promotes muscle growth that is perfect to have right after your workout. In closing, eating a healthy breakfast will set you up for success. 

11. Drink Your Tea Or Coffee 

best morning routines for energy

I would never write a morning routine without incorporating tea or coffee, and if I had, please let me know in the comments because it was a mistake! No one should tell you to back off tea or coffee, you should do what makes you feel the best. 

When I was a kid, I use to LOVE coffee, but it started giving me headaches, so I backed off. Now, as an adult, I am a tea enthusiast. Thankfully, I prefer tea without any sugar (I say thankfully because I drink it everyday), but if you love sugar in your tea of coffee, then go for it. 

Unless you have insulin problems (like I do), then there is no reason to stop enjoying your morning beverage. Plus, the caffeine will help you wake up and take on your busy day. 

12. Write A List Of Things To Do

morning routine planner

The last thing on the productive morning routine list is writing a list of things you need to accomplish for the day. Creating a checklist, will help you actually accomplish all of your tasks.

For my blog, every week I write a list of things I want to accomplish. If I didn’t write out the list, I would probably not be able to accomplish all of my tasks. Humans easily forget things, so writing down your tasks is a must-have.

The list of things to accomplish doesn’t have to be complicated, it can be as simple as writing a list out on a word document, or making sticky notes. Experiment on what works best for you, and stick to it.

You Got This!!

This post was all about how to have a productive morning routine the right way. 

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