15 Powerful Habits For A Healthy Lifestyle That Will Make You Unrecognizable

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Want to know the best habits for a healthy lifestyle? These powerful habits for a healthy lifestyle will make you truly unrecognizable and stand out. 

habits for a healthy lifestyle

Confession: I use to live SOO unhealthy. I’d eat NO protein, snack all day, stress about literally EVERYTHING, and binge tv and food! Now, I’ve learned to control the temptations, but it wasn’t an easy path. 

To state the obvious, a healthy lifestyle journey is no easy feat, and the hardest part is simply starting. However, once you start and continue, you will feel so AMAZING that you won’t be able to go back!! I know because it happened to me. 

The reason I ended all of my unhealthy habits, is because I had the MOST PAINFUL period cramps, and acne! (looking back at pictures, I’m always shocked on how bad my acne truly was!). After realizing the cramps and acne was my body crying for help, I took the steps I needed to change my life!! 

And let me tell you, adapting these simple but (EXTREMELY HARD to stick to) practices, has saved my body and mind from continuing down a path that could have potentially damage me forever.

I can’t wait to share these powerful habits for a healthy lifestyle with you, because they truly changed my life, and I know they can do the same for you!

This post is all about the most powerful habits for a healthy lifestyle. 

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Best Habits For A Healthy Lifestyle

1. Good Sleep

healthy lifestyle meaning

You might hear this one a lot, but that’s because it’s truly so important. Having a good night sleep can make or break your day. If you’re tired because you didn’t have enough sleep the night before, you won’t be able to think clearly. 

On days where I shortened my sleep because I wanted to workout before work, I find myself very tired during the day. When I’m disciplined and go to bed early, and then workout before work, I truly feel the best.

A good tip to have a good night sleep is to have a consistent night time routine. This will help you fall asleep faster and prepare for a good night rest. To learn more about a great night routine, check my blog post out “13 Self Care Night Ideas To Improve Your Productivity”.

2. Consistent Workout Routine

healthy habits to start in your 20s

Routines, routines, routines are a super important habit for a healthy lifestyle. Dr. James DiNicolantonio says to be boring as being boring brings you tremendous health benefits. 

Although sticking to a routine can seem boring, having a consistent workout routine is very fun! Especially if you workout with friends, it can bring so much joy to your life. 

I started going to workout classes every Tuesday and Thursday morning and it’s just so much fun. The people hold me accountable because if I don’t show, they make sure to ask where I was next time I see them!

Find your favorite workouts and splurge in them! Do you like dancing, running, weight-lifting, yoga, swimming? There’s truly a workout for everyone. 

3. NO Processed Foods

10 healthy habits to follow everyday

Many people STRONGLY DISLIKE this habit for a healthy lifestyle, but honestly as hard as it is, it’s as equally as impactful! When I gave up processed foods, my skin cleared up, my stomach didn’t have as much pain, and I just felt so AMAZING. 

A good thing that came out of this, is that when I craved sweets like cookies, I had to actually bake it myself! So I knew every single ingredient I was putting into the cookies, so there was no risk of 20 ingredients that I can’t even pronounce. 

When I bake all of my sweets for myself, it makes me appreciate the sweets so much more. Get rid of the highly processed foods and eat all natural foods, and you will feel so much better. 

4. Meditate Daily

what are the best habits for a healthy lifestyle

This habit for a healthy lifestyle can be SUPER hard for some people. If you’re anything like me, I use to struggle to focus when meditating. After practicing for years at this point, I’ve got it down (not perfectly yet, but so much better than when I started).

Part of my health journey was getting rid of my acne and stomach pain, and I knew that stress is a big causer of both of those things, so I was determined to meditate. Sitting down for a few minutes each night, practicing yoga bi-weekly, and praying helped me overcome some of my stress. 

If you are religious, consider using prayer as a form of meditation. For Catholics, we are gifted the rosary as a meditation and prayer. Combine your faith with meditation or just connect with your body to reap the benefits of meditation. 

5. Get Sunshine Every Morning

good health habits

Every morning when you wake up, you should be walking outside facing the sun before starting the day. You should walk towards the sun to get the sun beating on your skin for the maximum benefits. 

There’s a reason why people get seasonal depression, because the sunlight truly makes you happier. I try to get as much sunlight as I can, because it makes me so happy, but also it feels SOO GOOD! 

Besides sunshine having AMAZING mental health benefits, vitamin D from the sun has WONDERFUL benefits for your skin. This helped me SO MUCH in my skincare journey, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!

6. Clean Up Your House

healthy daily habits

Having a clean house is such an important habit for a healthy lifestyle. I don’t know about you, but when my room is clean I feel SO MUCH happier. I’m not sure in the exact reason, but I do know that scientifically a clean room lowers your stress levels. 

Since my health journey consists of a lowering my stress levels to get rid of my acne and stomach pains, having a clean room and house is essential for me.

If you want introduce a zen life to your health journey, then consider keeping your house clean! You will be truly unrecognizable. 

7. Utilize Sunday As A Rest Day

lifestyle habits examples

In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, it’s easy to never rest, especially as women living in western civilization. To counteract social expectations, take a rest day. Our bodies truly need a day of rest to be able to work at its maximum capacity during the week. 

The importance of a Sunday rest day is crucial, and my post about “The Perfect Sunday Routine That Will Give You A Successful Week” will tell you everything you need to know about keeping Sunday as the day of rest. 

8. Plan Your Day, Week, And Month

healthy lifestyle examples

Planning your days, weeks, and months can help you so much in a your health journey. Not only does planning help you be more productive, but it helps relieve stress as you won’t feel overwhelmed with all of your tasks if you have a plan of actions. 

You don’t have to stop at planning your days, weeks, and months, but you can even plan multiple months or even the next year out! Do what works best for you, and make sure to stick to your plans!

9. Eat More Protein!!

maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Eating more protein has been increasing in popularity to gain more muscle, but it’s not just a trend, it’s a way of life! If you want to be the strong confident woman that you are, then you need to increase your protein intake to gain that muscle!

Of course you can be strong without being physically strong, but being physically strong is very good for you health wise. Having muscles and being strong enhances your way of life in so many ways such as: protects your joints, reduces risk of falls, reduce risk of injuries, and so much more!

10. Train Cardio

10 healthy lifestyle habits

For those who want a stronger heart, better heart health, or longer longevity, you need to do cardio training! Cardio is one of the best things you can do for your heart health, that will keep you young and happy. 

My favorite form of cardio is playing sports, like it’s literally hidden cardio. You are playing a game but get an AMAZING workout in, it’s a win win! If you dread running (like me because it’s boring hehe) then consider doing some group cardio classes like cycling or zumba!

I started doing cycling classes, and they are so much fun! Being together in a group is super motivating as you all push each other to do your best! 

11. Strength Training

healthy habits to lose weight

Strength training is an essential habit for a healthy lifestyle. There’s a lot of people who rather LOVE strength training and HATE cardio, or HATE strength training and LOVE cardio, but I don’t see why you can’t have both. 

I notice (mostly from my mom’s generation) a lot of women are scared to do strength training because they don’t want to look like “a man”. They want to have a slim look and tone up. Well, toning is just another word for gaining muscle, so there shouldn’t be a fear of strength training! 

If you experienced this fear, I encourage you to do more research, because strength training is so amazing for you. Muscles actually increase your metabolism meaning you can eat more!

To truly live a healthy lifestyle, you should include some type of strength training. It doesn’t have to be lifting heavy weights, it can less intense on the joins such as pilates, but it will help your body stay so strong and happy.

12. Keep Up With Mobility And Flexibly

healthy lifestyle benefits

As we get older, our mobility dwindles. Along with mobility, flexibility goes hand in hand. To make sure that we can still move swiftly when we’re old, keep up with your mobility and flexibility. 

I actually LOVE mobility so much. I’m not sure why, but I just enjoy it so much more than lifting heavy weights. I find it so cool to push my body’s limits and see what I’m truly capable of mobility wise. 

13. Consistent Morning And Night Routines

10 healthy habits

Having consistent morning routines and night routines are an ESSENTIAL habit for a healthy lifestyle. Routines builds confidence and reduces stress, as it prepares you for what’s to come. 

A successful morning routine will set you up for success in the mornings, and a successful night routine will set you up for a fabulous sleep. I am a huge believer in routines, as they have helped me manage my stress and cravings while I fought off my acne!

14. Thankful For The Day

healthy habits for adults

You should ALWAYS make sure to count your blessing at the end of every day. One thing I started practicing, is writing down five things I am thankful for that happened the day before. This transformed my life so much more than I would ever think. 

Not only did I realize how INCREDIBLY blessed I was, but it made me realize how much I took for granted. The little acts of kindness my boyfriends does for me, my mom cleaning my bathroom, my dad paying for my dinner, it all just adds up. Writing down what I’m thankful for each day, helps me appreciate those around me.

15. Stay Hydrated

good health practices

Staying hydrated is one of the most important habits for a healthy lifestyle. Your entire day will be poop if you aren’t properly hydrated! One thing that I’ve learned during my health journey, is that just drinking water is not enough.

You truly need to add electrolytes if you want to be properly hydrated. I notice, that every time I skip out on electrolytes, I tend to get headaches because I don’t properly hydrate. My favorite brand of electrolytes are “Re-Lytes” and they are very healthy and will make you stay on the path of proper hydration!

This post was all about the most powerful habits for a healthy lifestyle that will make you stand out. 

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