About Hannah

happy with hannah

Welcome To My Blog!

As an ex college athlete, mental health became a huge part of my career. Juggling soccer with school and a social life, it was just so much! The real problem with my mental health; however,  was the end of 2019 when a monumental event happened that changed my life forever.

The experience was so drastic it caused regular stress and anxiety bringing onto me headaches, acne, and stomach aches. After years of pain, I refused to accept my fate and decided to take charge of my life to find ways to love myself regardless of any situation.

Everything started the beginning of 2020, when I was sooo utterly unhappy. The unhappiness grew until 2022, when I could no longer accept the unhappiness and depression in my life. So, I decided to do a lifestyle change… sounds easy enough… right? 

Well, before the lifestyle change I had various problems with the most prominent one being my acne. I was able to hide the stress, anxiety, and stomach issues for only so long because after a few months my body decided to display it to the public. My acne appeared a few months into the stress and only grew with the all time worst being the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, all in line with my stress issues. 

I was able to handle the stress and anxiety secretly by myself, but once my skin decided to announce it to the world and caused physical pain (if you’ve experienced cyst pimples.. you know what I’m talking about), I could no longer handle it. The dermatologists I’ve been seeing have only made my acne worse and I was so utterly confused. 

Desperate times come for desperate solutions. I decided to spend the majority of my savings from work in high school and internships to pay for a naturalist. And what I learned from the naturalist was LIFE CHANGING!!!           

It was like everything clicked. The stress, anxiety, and stomach problems were getting worse at the same time my acne was so everything was related. y naturalist helped me regulate my hormones though stress therapy, food strategies, and overall lifestyle changes that I still partake in. 

The results…. my acne immediately got better, my stomach issues lessened, and I was so much more calm! 

I swear by the techniques that I learned from my naturalist, and I went as far as researching new techniques that eliminate stress, anxiety, stomach problems, and acne. 

If you want to learn more about how I healed myself, please look through my blog!! These skills and techniques healed me, and I hope they can heal you too despite any challenges you are facing. 

Together, we will continue to improve our mental and physical health, so we can become our healthiest and happiest selves!

Welcome, to Happy with Hannah.