11 Essential Holistic Healing Ideas To Protect Your Body From Toxins In The World

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Want to learn how to protect your body from the world’s toxins? This post is all about 11 ESSENTIAL holistic healing ideas to protect your body. 

holistic healing

If you’re the type of person who gets a headache and wants to know WHY you got a headache instead of just HOW to stop it, then this is for you.

Learning the WHY will allow you know the true HOW instead of just a bandage fix.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and place for medicine, but there’s also a time and place for understanding our bodies and fixing the root cause of a problem.  

Holistic healing is all about finding the root cause of a problem.

Instead of taking that Advil to get rid of your headache, take steps to PREVENT your headache such as taking electrolytes. 

Maybe you’re getting headaches because you’re dehydrated,  maybe you’re stressed out, maybe you need glasses, maybe you’re having a hormonal imbalance.

You shouldn’t be blinded to the fact of the root cause of your problem, and just take medicine to remove it. You should KNOW the root cause.

And trust me, your body will THANK YOU for it!

This post is all about essential holistic healing ideas to protect your body from toxins.

Essential Holistic Healing Ideas

1. Sleep

holistic healing treatment

Having enough and quality sleep is SERIOUSLY the most important action you can do in your life.

Just think about it, everything else during your day will be SO MUCH harder if you are tired. At least I know for me, when I’m tired, I am so cranky and not the most fun to be around.

If you are struggling to get enough sleep (I’ve been there), then you absolutely HAVE to go to bed on time.

As someone who’s a night owl, this isn’t always the easiest. However, the more you do it the more you will look forward to it.

The key is to find a night routine or night ritual that you look forward to an will get you tired for bed. Some that I LOVE are stretching, reading, and praying before bed. 

2. Yoga / Meditate

holistic medicine

You might be thinking “that’s boring” or “I don’t need that”, well let me tell you.. YOU DO!!

Until you actually practice yoga or meditation for a few days, you don’t know what you are missing.

There are so many times where I’ll break out in acne or have a headache and it’s simply because I’m SO STRESSED out.

Being stressed out is actually VERY dangerous.

This is because when you’re stressed, your cortisol levels increases around 9 times more than regular levels. With increased cortisol levels, this can lead to hormonal imbalances and potential DNA damage.

Uneven hormonal balance leads to bloating, headaches, acne, tiredness, and so many more symptoms.

To equip your body to face the world, make sure you practice yoga or some form of meditation so you can relax and not let your cortisol levels determine how you’re feeling. 

3. Hydrate


Almost every self care influencer RAGES about the importance of staying hydrated, but this is because it REALLY DOES make a difference in your life.

If I’m going to be honest, drinking water is not good enough. (Sad for me because I LOVE the taste of water).

In fact, drinking too much water can ACTUALLY dehydrate you, as it will wash all of your salt away. (Again sad for me, because I use to drink water a few minutes).

Instead, you need to add salt or electrolytes to fully hydrate yourself. The salt helps replenish lost electrolytes and helps for better absorption of water. 

4. Diet

natural medicine

No one wants to hear this, but eating whole foods will REALLY protect your body and make you feel SOOO good.

I say no one wants to hear this, because in a world where we are (almost) all ADDICTED to sugar, this is a SUPER hard task to accomplish.

When I was facing stomach aches every time I worked out, had severe acne, and headaches every time I finished eating, I realized something needed to change.

The only thing that TRULY healed me was my diet… specifically the candida diet.

I’m not saying you have to do the candida diet, as I’m against diet culture, but I AM saying that it healed my gut.

Now I eat very little sugar, and it totally transformed my mood, my hormones, and my body!! 

5. Exercise

holistic therapist

Exercise is a HUGE holistic healing activity that will protect your body. It helps regulates your hormones and makes you feel just SO GOOD.

Cardio gives benefit to your “feel good” hormone, dopamine, and your stress hormones making  you always leave it feeling SO MUCH better.

Strength training increases your estrogen and increases your metabolism, allowing you to eat more!

Make sure you are always exercising so that your body is strong and fit to face off all of the toxins that resides in this world. 

6. Tea

healing quotes spiritual

If there’s one thing to know about me, know that I LOVE tea!!

Not only is tea a warm and relaxing drink, it’s crucial for regulating your hormones.

Tea is made up of herbs, so buy or make tea blends with the correct herbs during your cycle.

Also, tea is WONDERFUL medicine for people who want to fix the root cause of a sickness.

For example, if you are having headaches, peppermint tea is known to help headache pain…. and it WORKS!!!

Instead of just removing the pain, truly use teas to fix the root issue and feel so much better with holistic healing.

7. Tinctures


Tinctures are is typically an extract of plant or animal material dissolved in ethanol, that help regulate your hormones. I add them into my water and sip it throughout the day. 

As women, it’s important to balance our hormones as they are continuously going off balance from all of the world’s toxins. 

Having balanced hormonal levels will protect you from fatigue, weight gain or loss, insomnia, infertility, hair loss, mood swings, hot flashes, and more!

To protect yourself from these unfortunate symptoms that some Dr.’s just classify as “part of being a women”, understand that there ARE ways to protect yourself. 

To avoid hormonal imbalances during each of the phase of your cycle: follicular phase, ovulation, luteal phase, and menstruation, make sure to take the correct herbs and tinctures to have all of the correct hormonal levels. 

8. Hormone Tests

natural healing remedies

If you are feeling off and need some holistic healing, you should almost ALWAYS get hormone tests.

To be safe, I recommend going to a Naturopathic Doctor to determine the correct hormone test that should be performed.

In my experience, I did the Dutch test, which gave me SO MUCH valuable information. It showed that my stress levels were off the charts, and I was headed towards DNA damage and possible cancer.

Also, my results showed that I was near menopause levels with my hormones, which was part of my terrible acne and painful periods problem!

These hormone tests opened my eyes to my body NEEDING holistic healing, and they will do the same for you!

9. Vitamins + Supplements

energy healing

Once you see a hormonal imbalance, it’s important to do every one of the holistic healing ideas listed above, however, sometimes you need some extra help.

My body was SO broken, that I NEEDED extra vitamins and supplements to get my hormones back to normal levels.

I took Inositol powder for my stress, Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotic for gut health, and other hormonal vitamins and supplements to regulate my high estrogen and low progesterone.

These vitamins and supplements DEFINITELY sped up the healing process to my body, however, I could not have gotten better without implementing all of the other holistic living and holistic lifestyle ideas.

10. Go Outside For At Least 24 Minutes Every Day

holistic healing books

Another holistic healing mechanism is getting more vitamin D! Most Americans and people from western civilization are vitamin D proficient, not surprisingly.

It’s magical what 24 minutes of sunlight and fresh air can do for you!! Not only is the sun AMAZING for your skin, but the outdoors REDUCE stress so much, and we already know how great that is for your hormones.

So why 24 minutes a day… sounds pretty specific aye?  Well, you should be outside for 24 minutes as a minute for every hour in the day!

Practicing going outside and being with nature every day will make you so much happier and contribute to your holistic healing journey. 

11. Routines

holistic healing massage

The last holistic healing idea is maintaining a routine! Guys and gals your body seriously LOVES routines!!!

If you’re someone who loves being boring then congrats, your body LOVES you!!!

Eating at the same time everyday, working out at the same time everyday, sleeping and waking up at the same time everyday, your body will thank you!!

This is so true as when I did the candida diet for 6 weeks, I practically ate the SAME thing every day. Not only did my acne COMPLETELY go away, I never felt better.

Although most normal people don’t do the same things every single day, you can at least take this into consideration when trying to holistically heal your body! 

This post was all about the holistic healing ideas to protect your body from toxins around the world. 

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