11 Shocking Facts About Saint Valentine That Will Make You Love Like A Pro

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Want to know shocking facts about saint Valentine that will make you love like a pro? These are 11 facts about saint Valentine that everyone should know. 

facts about saint valentine

Going into Valentines day is fascinating and if you’re anything like me, you are doing all of the research you can about who saint Valentine was, and how to love my loved ones better this Valentines Day. As someone who loves showing my love to my friends and family, I am going to give you the most shocking facts about saint Valentine that will make you love like a pro. 

You are going to learn all about all of the facts about saint Valentine from history to unique facts that you might not know. 

After learning about all of these facts about saint Valentine, you are going to be an expert and ready when Valentine rolls around to show your friends and family all of the love they deserve. 

This post is all about shocking facts about saint Valentine that will make you love like a pro. 

Shocking Facts About Saint Valentine

1. Saint Valentine Is Not On The Roman Catholic Saint Calendar

The first fact about saint Valentine is that he is not on the Roman Catholic saint calendar. Saint Valentine was a Roman Catholic saint until 1969, when the church declared that his legend lacked historical evidence. However, Saint Valentine is still widely accepted and celebrated by many catholics today and even non-catholics as the holiday Valentine’s Day grows in popularity. 

The lesson to learn is that even if a person is not apart of a group, you can still include them. Saint Valentine is not apart of the Vatican’s universal calendar of saints, but he is still loved by many. Relate this to your life: are you excluding someone who is not apart of your group or are you the one being excluded? You should include people regardless of their “status” and welcome everyone into your group. By being welcoming, you never know the influences you can make onto both of your lives. or

To include people, simply give out Valentine’s Day Candy or give people Valentine’s Day Cards to make them feel special. I will never forget my first day of college, a girl I was only acquaintances with left a note with candy on my dorm room door saying something along the lines of  “welcome to CNU, I’m here if you ever need me”. This simple act of kindness shocked me as I never experienced someone being so welcoming. Little does she know, her simple act of kindness transformed my mindset and I strive to be as thoughtful as her. Give, give, give and welcome, welcome, welcome. It is a small act to do to spread love throughout the world. 

2. There Are Many Other Saint Valentines

Did you know there are a dozen saint Valentines commemorated in the Catholic Church? Besides the famous saint Valentine, there are eleven other saint Valentines remembered by the Catholic Church. 

The lesson about love is that there is no reason to compare yourself with other people. All of the saint Valentines have interesting, unique, and beautiful stories that it would be a shame to compare them. The same can be said about people, especially women. As women during the social media era, it is very easy to compare yourself to others. Believing you are not as pretty or as happy as other women on social media is extremely foolish as everyones story is different. 

Growing up as a soccer player and playing collegiate soccer, I compared myself to others all of my life. To overcome this ridiculous notion, I realized that everyone is talented as has different skills. To navigate my thoughts, I relied on journaling to comprehend my feelings. Find a defense mechanism that works for you and love yourself for you. 

3. Saint Valentine Married People Secretly In Rome

Another one of the facts about saint Valentine is that he secretly married people in Rome. Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II, all marriages were made illegal because he believed men were too attached to their wives.

He hoped to eradicate their attachment to their wives and family by banning marriages, hoping this would allow for more men to join the army. Saint Valentine took a stance against the Emperor and secretly married young couples who were in love. 

The lesson about love is that everyone should stand up for what they believe. Standing up for what you believe will bring more love into your and others lives. If you have trouble standing up for what you believe, take a look at affirmation cards as they can help you have the confidence you need to stand up for your beliefs. 

4. Saint Valentine Had A Special Bond With His Jailor’s Daughter

After Saint Valentine was put in jail, he developed a special bond with his jailor’s daughter. Also, the legend says he healed her from her blindness, which attests to his blessings granted by God. The day before he was to be executed, he sent the jailor’s daughter a note with it signed “your Valentine”. 

It’s important to have faith and love hard. Finding love is one of the greatest joys humans will experience. If you are single, do not underestimate the consequences your actions will have with your future partner. I know because I was there. I could not imagine a nice guy being in my life so I did not act modestly like I should have. Now that I am with the man of my dreams and the man who courageously follows God, I cringe on all of my past experiences that were led by a a lack of trust in God. There are so many modest clothing out there that are far cuter than the short shorts and crop tops. 

5. Saint Valentine Was Beaten With Clubs And Beheaded In Rome

After betrothing married couples in secret, saint Valentine was exposed of his secrecy. As a result, he was beaten with clubs and later beheaded in Rome. 

This shows that life is not fair, and when you stand up for what you believe sometimes it backfires. That is why you need to have the courage to stay strong when people try to take you down. Saint Valentine was so filled with love that he was willing to die defending his actions of marrying couples in secret. Everyone should try to be like saint Valentine and stand up for what they believe regardless of the injustice. Affirmation cards are great ways to build confidence by truly believing in yourself. 

6. You Can Find Saint Valentine’s Skull In Rome

Did you know this fact about saint Valentine? You can actually find his skull in Rome in the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin. His legacy lives on by his relics display in Rome. 

It is important to respect those who have passed away. “Burry the dead” is one of the seven holy sacraments of the Catholic church. Honoring those who passed away is a great way to spread love and encourage history to be shared. By knowing history, we can learn from past mistakes and improve as a society. Prayer cards are a great way grow in your faith and understand the importance of respecting the dead. 

7. Pope Gelasius Invented Valentines Day

Pop Gelasius inventing Valentine’s Day is a selfless action as he wanted to celebrate someone who achieved wonders in this world. He declared Valentine’s day in the 5th century on February 14th. The celebration was more of a religious celebration, however it slowly turned to be more about love than the religious roots it sprouted from. 

As a society, we have to remember to celebrate other people’s successes. Especially for people like me living in America where society is “individualistic” many people are self-consumed in themselves. To fix this, we should remember to honor and celebrate others. Thank you cards are a great way to show your love to loved ones, by telling them thank you for being in your life. 

8. You Can Celebrate Valentine’s Day Multiple Times A Year

Since there are about a dozen of saint Valentines, it is noteworthy to know that you can celebrate the holiday multiple times a year. For example there is a female saint Valentine who was martyred in Palestine on July 25 A.D. 308.

Having multiple celebrations throughout the year reminds us to spread random acts of love throughout the year. This allows us to connect to our loved ones and let them know how thankful we are for them. Having a religious calendar will help you know when feast days are for different saints throughout the year so you know when you can feast and have celebrations.

9. Saint Valentine’s Feast Day is February 14

As mentioned earlier and as you probably know, saint Valentine’s feast day is on February 14th, also known as Valentines day. This date was determined because it is the day saint Valentine was executed for secretly marrying young couples.

Having feast days are the perfect way to gather your family and friends together. Gathering family and friends together allows for the influence of love to sprout between each other allowing everyone to carry it elsewhere throughout their lives. Statistics prove that families who have family dinners together reports in less troubled kids. This is due to love that is expressed in the notion of being together and having old fashion conversation. Dinner plates are an essential part of family and friends dinners, you can get Amazon’s best selling plates by clicking this link.

10. Saint Of Lovers

It comes without saying that saint Valentine was saint of lovers. He secretly married young couples in love and he cured his blind jailor’s daughter and lover from her blindness. He is a great example to study to learn how to love more.

You should follow saint Valentine’s example and love others! How do you love others? Look to saint Valentine who shows us through his actions how he spread love throughout the world. He brought young lovers together, perhaps you can bring people together. I’m not saying you need to be cupid, but I am saying that if you are nice and spread love to everyone, you have no idea how your actions can inspire others. To learn more about saint Valentine’s love, you can read more about his life by clicking this link.

11. Patron Saint Of Beekeeping And Epilepsy

Besides saint Valentine being the saint of lovers, he also has other specialties such as beekeeping and epilepsy. By having many specialities he was able to leave his legacy on earth more than only one subject.

This is great lesson to learn about how you should not pigeonhole yourself to one subject, but instead learn and experience as much as you can. This is what I have done by playing soccer, basketball, track, and various instruments. You will absolutely love the different experiences, I swear by it. To plan all of your hobbies, notebooks and agendas are a great way to keep track of your time.

This post was all about facts about saint Valentine that will make you love like a professional.

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