11 Healthy Foods For Longevity You Should Know To Live A Long And Happy Life

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Want to know the top foods for longevity are so you can live a long and happy life? These are the best and simplest foods for longevity you should know to live a long, happy, and fulfilling life. 


Eating healthy foods for longevity can be challenging, especially with foods such as white bread, cereal, and granola being advertised as “healthy”. If you are anything like me, you are doing all of the research you can to avoid the “fake” healthy foods and eat truly healthy foods for longevity. As someone who loves to eat healthy because it makes me feel so insanely good, I am going to share all of the best foods for longevity that I swear by.

You are going to learn all about healthy foods for longevity so you can feel your best and live a long, happy, and fulfilling life. 

After learning all about healthy foods for longevity, you are going to be a pro and extra prepared when planning meals and snacks that promote longevity. 

This post is all about healthy foods for longevity.

Best Healthy Foods For Longevity

1. Berries

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Berries are full of antioxidants which enforces gut health and fights inflammation. Out of all of the berries blueberries are the healthiest as they have the most antioxidants. Blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries are all excellent choices as well. My favorite thing to do, is have berries as my dessert after my meals. It is so satisfying for your sweet tooth. 

For Strawberries, you should make sure they are washed thoroughly as they are on the “dirty dozen” list.  It can be washed thoroughly by mixing together one teaspoon of baking soda with four cups of water. Let the strawberries sit in the baking soda water for 10-15 minutes, then you should be good to go. 

2. Avocados

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The second of the healthy foods for longevity are avocados. Avocados are linked to protecting heart health. As an American, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, so I take this fruit very seriously. Also, this fruit is very filling as I have it for breakfast every morning and can vouch for it! If I am ever super hungry I grab an avocado and I am good to go!

Besides being finning, avocados can be used for guacamole.. YUM!! Guacamole is very healthy as it primarily consist of avocados, so this is a great way to consume the fruit. Just be mindful of the chips that you are consuming. Many chip brands use cheap seed/ canola/ or vegetable oils. My absolute favorite brand of chips are Siete Sea Salt Grain Free Tortilla Chips. I could seriously have the entire bag in one sitting (may have actually done this….)

3. Dark Leafy Greens

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This might be weird but I really enjoy eating dark leafy greens and guess what, it’s an excellent food for longevity! I got hooked on dark leafy greens because of my attempt to clear my skin (p.s. IT WORKED!) and when I began have success with dark leafy greens clearing my skin, I became obsessed with it! 

Besides helping skin, dark leafy greens are rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. They also contribute to boost your immune system, which my boyfriend is not fond of because my immune system is now better than his haha.

To help increase your dark leafy greens intake, try eating them at the beginning of your meal, or incorporate them inside your meal to make a salad/grain bowl to increase your self care and healthy lifestyle. 

4. Nuts and Seeds

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Nuts and seeds are great sources of protein, healthy fats, fibers, vitamins, and minerals. If you have an allergy to nuts, do not worry seeds are extremely beneficial as well. For people who want to fix hormonal issues, you can seed cycle.

For your follicular phase, take one tablespoon of flax seeds and pumpkin seeds a day, and for your luteal phase take 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds a day. This is a practice I try to do, but am not perfect. I always have sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds as a snack, but lack with the flax and sesame seeds. You do not have to be perfect but this practice has helped me control my acne. 

Hormonal benefits are important because hormonal signals are linked to longevity. Also, high estrogen is may help prevent signs of your skin aging through collegen.  I recommend that you do additional research if you are interested more in this topic, and don’t hesitate to ask me questions in the comments. 

5. Bone Broth

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Where do I even start with bone broth? Not only is this one of the best foods for longevity, but I am the biggest endorser for bone broth as it is full of glycine which decreases inflammation in your gut and improves the tissues that line your gut. Also, it contains the gut healing ingredient gelatin that helps you digest food.  I love having at least a cup a day and want to have more but is very expensive. However, there are many ways to make bone broth yourself. 

Your gut is your “second brain”, because it helps us digest and alert the brain when something is wrong. It is essential to treat your gut for longevity.

6.  Green Tea

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One of the best foods for longevity is green tea. If you are a caffeine addict, I believe green tea is the best place to receive it. Besides caffeine, regularly drinking green tea can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of several diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. This is because the plant is full of antioxidants that fight diseases.

Green tea is also told to improve your cognitive function. Besides the scientific reasoning with the tea leaves, the hot water itself has many relaxation benefits. I took a yoga class that included meditation and tea, and the tea added so much to the meditation because of the warmth of the water. 

A soothing hot cup of water in the form of tea or any other type of liquid has calming impacts to anxiety. Whenever I am feeling stressed out, I make a cup of tea and it always relaxes me, I just can’t explain it but it does! Preventing and managing stress has the ability to lower your risk of conditions such as heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression that are all essential for a long and healthy life. 

7. Fish

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Fish is one of the healthiest proteins you can eat and is an excellent food for longevity. Fish provides a great source of protein and vitamins, and are a primary dietary source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids have so many benefits that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take fish oil, which contains plenty of omega-3. For more information on omega-3 fatty acids, check out health line to learn all about the benefits. 

You should make sure to do research before purchasing your fish. For example, wild salmon is a whole lot healthier than farm raised salmon due to toxic chemicals that are left in farm raised salmon.  

8. Legumes

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Legumes are a very broad item on this list for healthy foods for longevity, but some of the foods in this category are so necessary. First there are chickpeas, which provides fiber, protein, healthy fats and have a low GI. Low GI is essential for people trying to help their gut and as I said earlier, gut health correlates with longevity, especially as it’s your “second brain”. 

Other types of legumes are edamame, beans, lentils, and peas. You will absolutely love it, and I cannot wait for you to start experimenting with legumes. 

9. Dark Chocolate

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You didn’t think I could write a post without adding CHOCOLATE did you? It’s actually proven in a study on chocolate and longevity that women who had 40g of chocolate daily for two weeks were reported to have lower stress!! We know that low stress is correlated to a longer life, so it only makes sense to indulge in some good old dark chocolate. 

Dark chocolate is filled with antioxidants and reduces insulin resistance, which is another common risk factor for diseases like heart disease and diabetes. 

10. Sauerkraut

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Sauerkraut has amazing gut healthy benefits that contributes to your longevity and healthy lifestyle. Sauerkraut may help strengthen your immune system, improve your digestion, reduce your risk of certain diseases, and even lose weight! This is because sauerkraut is fermented cabbage, and just like other fermented foods has tons of healthy probiotics for your gut health. 

You can make sauerkraut more interesting by pairing it with healthy sausage, corn beef or adding it to your daily protein shake! Don’t shy away from sauerkraut as its health benefits are limitless. 

11. Eggs

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Eggs are extremely controversial. For most of my life, I thought they were full of cholesterol and down right bad to consume. Although they do have cholesterol, they have good cholesterol and if you or someone has high cholesterol it is probably not from the eggs and more to do with all of the processed foods you or they eat during the day. Regardless, eggs are filled with vitamins A, D and B12, as well as choline, a nutrient essential in many steps of metabolism.

You should consider purchasing pasteurized eggs. They are quite expensive, but they are heads over heels healthier than regular eggs. They contain 1/3 less cholesterol and have loads of more vitamins than regular eggs. For more facts about the benefits of pasteurized eggs, check out Sonrise farms post about the benefits of pasteurized eggs. 

This post was all about the most healthy foods for longevity so you can live your happiest and healthiest lifestyle. 

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