How To Embrace A Slow Living Lifestyle For Busy Women

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Are you a busy women who’s interested in embracing a slow living lifestyle? You will learn all about how to embrace a slow living lifestyle as a busy woman. 

slow living

As an ex college athlete, I know all about being a busy lady!! Thankfully, there were habits I routinely did to help slow my life down. Today, I am going to share all of those habits plus habits I do now to embrace a slow living lifestyle!

If you break it down, Western civilization has normalized living the fast paced, hustle-and-bustle lifestyle. Just go to any big city like New York city and if you’re walking too slow, you’ll be “trampled on” (metaphorically LOL). 

One of the things that gets misconstrued, is that in order to have a successful life, you need to be moving fast like Western civilization. I completely DISAGREE with this statement. You do not have to be running around like a chicken with no head to be successful, rather you need to learn how to productively manage your time. 

All of the most successful people have managing their time down to a T. Rather you are on the path to new endeavors, you are currently in your dream job, or you’re a mother with beautiful kids, you will learn all about how to embrace a slow living lifestyle for busy women. 

This post is all about how to embrace a slow living lifestyle as a busy women.

How To Embrace A Slow Living Lifestyle

1. Take A Walk

slow living quotes

Walks are hard to come by as busy women, as I’ve tried and failed at this many times. It’s hard to come by because it can be time consuming, but if you truly think about it, all you need is a 15-20 minute walk. A 15-20 minute walk can transform your life so much. Switch out scrolling through social media or watching TV to taking a quick walk and you will feel so much better. 

The reason you will feel so good after a walk is because of the vitamin D. Vitamin D on your skin increases serotonin which is the “feel good” hormone. Also, walking releases endorphins and increases your blood circulation. All of these things increases your mood and reduces depression. 

In truth, you won’t understand the benefits of walks until you start walking. I can tell you all of the science about it, but when you put this into practice by walking everyday, you will understand the difference in your body and your mood.

Benefits Of Walking:

  • Increases serotonin AKA the “happy hormone”
  • Increases endorphins which reduces stress
  • Increases blood circulation which boosts your mood

2. Indulge In A Bath

the art of slow living

Bath’s are a HUGE part of slow living. Baths are something you can truly look forward to when cleaning yourself. For me, sometimes I find myself dreading to take a shower, but if I’m taking a bath it’s always exciting. 

Baths offer slow living benefits because it slows you down as you sit in warm water and relax. They are the perfect thing to do at the end of the day and offer huge benefits to your mental health. Sitting in the warm water is the perfect time to reflect your day and relax before bed. 

A few weeks ago, I got very sick and for some reason my body was craving to take baths. Before my cold, I didn’t take a bath for weeks, and I took two baths during my cold. It felt so AMAZING. Partaking in slow living means listening and honoring our bodies. 

Benefits Of Baths:

  • Lowers stress
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Soothes sore muscles

3. Drink Plenty Of Water

slow food movement

Drinking plenty of water may be obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many people don’t do this simple tasks. If you struggle to drink enough water because of your busy life, I recommend taking electrolytes each morning. I take a spoonful of Re-Lyte Boost Electrolyte every morning in my cup of water and it has transformed my life. Now, I no longer get dehydrated headaches and I have so much more energy. 

If you don’t want to purchase electrolytes, then adding a spoonful of salt into you water will help you on your slow living lifestyle. Salt acts like electrolytes because salt is a sodium and sodium is and electrolyte. An electrolyte is a mineral that can keep the amount of water in your body balanced. 

Regardless of all of the science of electrolytes, water, and salt water, staying hydrated is essential to slow living. Staying hydrated gives you the energy you need to stay productive and crush your busy life. 

Benefits Of Hydration:

  • Boosts energy
  • Aids in digestion
  • Helps with focus

4. Meditation

slow living book

You might be thinking “I don’t have time for meditating”. As someone who use to say those exact words, I’m here to tell you that you do have time. You may think that you don’t have time for meditating, but if you take a close look to what you do throughout the day, you might be able to realize that you have 10 minutes to spare for meditating. 

That’s right, meditating can be as short or long as you would like it to be. Professionals recommend that you meditate no longer than 20 minutes and no shorter that 5 minutes. To achieve a slow living life, you should practice meditating. 

Meditating is key component to the slow living lifestyle because it reduces stress, depression, and increases your mood. With less stress, you can move at a slower pace and appreciate the little things in life. 

Benefits Of Meditation:

  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces depression
  • Increases your mood

5. Reading

slow living blogs

Reading can really work wonders with a slow living lifestyle. Whenever I read, I feel so relaxed and amazing afterwards. Whereas TV does not give me the same impact. Perhaps you can relate? 

The different between reading and TV moods is that reading improves your creativity, reduces your stress, and helps your focus. By now you probably realize that a lot of these slow living activities reduce your stress, and that is because reduced stress levels is the key to slow living. 

So find your favorite book series, or read my absolute favorite book series, A Court Of Thorn And Roses On Amazon. Get lost in a book and you’ll find yourself feeling more relaxed and experiencing the slow living life. 

Benefits Of Reading:

  • Reduces stress
  • Sleeps better
  • Improves memory

6. Prioritize Sleep

slow living blog

Of course I couldn’t write this blog about slow living without mentioning the importance of sleep!! Sleep is so important from promoting growth to boosting memory to helping heart health, and so much more!

If you’re a busy person, prioritizing a few extra hours of sleep so you can be fully energized for the day, will help you be more productive than sacrificing sleep and only being half as energized. The less energy you have, the less productive you will be. Living a slow lifestyle promotes productivity because it shows that you don’t have to live the fast lifestyle to be productive. 

Some tips to prioritize your sleep are to read before bed, pray before bed, stick to a night routine, and work out every day. I mention working out because it’s proven the more you exercise the easier it is to fall asleep at night. Embrace your body by giving it the sleep it needs to thrive!

Benefits Of Sleep:

  • Promotes growth
  • Promotes heart health
  • Promotes weight management

7. Cooking All Of Your Meals

slow living jobs

Cooking all of your meals is a great slow living activity. If you’re thinking that you don’t have enough time for this, then repeat over and over this word: Meal Prep!!! When I was a college athlete cooking all of my meals, I SURVIVED off of meal prepping. When you spend two hours on Sunday meal prepping your meals, you can easily go to the fridge to get your wonderful food. 

Although meal prepping is handy, if you have the time to cook your meals every night, then you will truly embrace the slow living lifestyle. By spending time preparing your meal, you truly appreciate the foods that you are eating.

Also, sharing your meal with a boyfriend, husband, friend, or children will allow you to appreciate your loved ones with a wonderful meal. If you are spending a night alone, then consider mixing reading with eating your meal. 

Benefits Of Cooking Your Meals:

  • Eating healthier
  • Build confidence
  • Saves money

8. Stick To Routines

slow living podcast

Creating and sticking to routines will help you experience the slow living lifestyle while being as productive as possible. For example, a proper night routine is truly the key to your success the next day. With a good night routine, you are able to get good rest during the night, which in turn, will allow you to be energized and ready to take on the next day. Learn all about the best night routine ideas here. 

Morning routines are essential as well. Morning routines set the tone of the day and is truly the most powerful moment that determines your day. Everything you do from your breakfast to your outfit choices will impact the rest of the day. Be discipline and appreciate all of the moments of routines. 

Benefits Of Routines:

  • Less anxiety
  • Reduces stress
  • Establishes healthy habits

9. Add Plants To Your House

slow living magazine

Adding plants to your house will make your house feel alive. My senior year of college, my friend brought all of her plants into our apartment. And as surprising as it sounds, the plants made me feel so happy every-time I walked into the apartment!

Growing up, my family didn’t have many plants, so I never understood the impact plants have to your house. After her bringing plants to our apartment, I started buying cheap flowers from Trader Joes (they’re very inexpensive but beautiful!!). If you’ve never experienced the mood difference plants and flowers can make to you, then I recommend trying them out!

Benefits Of Plants:

  • Reduce stress
  • Air purifier
  • Helps reduce anxiety

This post was all about how to embrace a slow living lifestyle as a busy woman

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