24 Ideal Summer Bucket List Ideas For The Best Summer Ever

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Want to have the BEST summer ever? This GENIUS summer bucket list will give you the best summer ever!

summer bucket list ideas

Drum roll please….It’s time…. SUMMER TIME!

Summer time is my FAVORITE season because everyone’s glowing, and the vitamin D is flowing.

It’s a fact that vitamin D makes us HAPPIER, so you need some fun activities to do to feed your happiness crave! 

These summer bucket list ideas are EXACTLY what you need to have the best summer of your life. So grab your friends and get started with these AMAZING summer bucket list ideas!

This post is all about summer bucket list ideas that will give you the BEST summer ever!

Genius Summer Bucket List Ideas:

1. Make A Slip ‘n Slide

summer bucket list

Slip ‘n slides are one of my FAVORITE things to do during the summer, hence why it’s first on the summer bucket list!

Make the slip ‘n slide more personal, by creating your own! My family use to do this for my little brother’s birthday every year, and it was SO MUCH fun!

We would get a LARGE tarp, and put it on the slightly slanted downhill hill. Add the soap and the water, and you’ve got yourself a waterslide! 

2. Go Berry Picking

summer bucket list ideas for teens

Every June, there are SO MANY blackberries near my house! Whether or not you have berries near your house, you can still go berry picking, just search for some local spots!

There are so many berry festivals that go on during the summer such as the Strawberry festival in May, that you will be able to fully immerse yourself in nature!

3. Catch Fireflies

fun summer bucket list ideas

For all of you bug lovers this is for you! Well, you don’t even have to be a bug lover to think think this is AWESOME!

I’m absolutely TERRIFIED of bugs, but I still LOVE catching those lightning bugs (southern way of saying fireflies).

Fireflies usually come out in late May and are around until September, so make sure you go out one or a few nights to catch their beauty! 

4. Water Balloon Fight!!

summer bucket list ideas for kids

Who DOESN’T love a water balloon fight? It’s a time when everyone can let loose and fight each other!

The best part is, if you get hit, you’re usually not too upset about it since it’s nice to get some water on you when it’s hot outside.

Enjoy this time with your friends and have a full on water balloon fight!

5. Plant Or Pick Wildflowers

summer bucket list with friends

Are you a flower lover? Summer time is one of the BEST time to pick flowers as it’s nice and warm out.

Wildflowers have the PERFECT summer flower to pick as they filled with the bright, summer colors that it resembles.

6. Bonfire With S’mores!

summer bucket list ideas for teens

There’s nothing like sitting next to a bonfire making some S’mores. S’mores are one of the BEST desserts, especially in the summer.

Get all of the supplies and enjoy a summer night of making S’mores with all of your best friends. 

7. Flashlight Tag At Night

summer bucket list ideas 2023

Don’t even get me started with summer nights! Not only is the nighttime weather AMAZING in the summer, but night time is SO MUCH brighter!

Grab your best friends and some flash lights, and run around like kids playing flashlight tag!

Summer is one of the MOST nostalgic times of the year, as it reminds many of us of our time off from school, so act like a kid again and enjoy some flashlight tag!

8. Paint Rocks To Decorate Your Garden

summer bucket list ideas 2024

For all of you artsy people, this is your time to shine! Grab all of your favorite art supplies, and paint local rocks to add in your garden!

I’ve done this once before, and boy is it FUN! You can even add some funny images on the rock like a gnome friend or a frog!

9. Attend The State Fair Or Country Fair!

summer bucket list ideas for adults

Fair’s are actually SO MUCH fun! Attend the state fair or country fair with your best friends or your family.

If you aren’t much of a rides person, then there are typically tons of games, animals, and shows to watch. It’s an all around super fun summer activity and yells summer. 

10. Climb Trees

summer bucket list ideas for young adults

For all the adventure and nature lovers, you know the appeal to this! The easier version of rock climbing is finding a perfect tree to get your hands on!

If you use to be like me and think climbing trees seems kiddish, hear me out! Go out to the nature where there’s big trees with lots of opportunity! Then start climbing branch by branch until you get to a comfy spot!

Doesn’t that sound so chill? Let loose and climb a tree!

11. Make Homemade Lemonade

summer bucket list ideas pinterest

Yum, homemade lemonade is just the BEST! Make some ice cold lemonade on a hot day and enjoy!

If you have kids or a younger sibling, then consider making a lemonade stand. There are endless possibilities with lemonade and the summer!

12. Go River Tubing 

summer bucket list template

Another FAVORITE summer bucket list idea is going river tubing! Pick the hottest day of the season, grab a tube, and travel to your local river!

Make sure to scout out the river first to make sure it’s safe! But once you know it’s safe, enjoy the relaxing drift in the fresh river water!

There’s nothing better than being on the water on a hot, summer day!

13. Catch A Ballgame 

insane bucket list ideas

Although river tubing is fun and all, if you’re a sports lover, then this is YOUR JAM!

Cheer your favorite sports team on and attend a baseball game! There’s nothing more summer than going to a baseball game.

Make sure to immerse yourself in the ENTIRE experience by getting the peanuts, hotdogs, bubblegum and more!

14. Through A Backyard BBQ

teenage summer bucket list ideas

If you have a rocking backyard then throw that backyard BBQ you’ve always wanted! Make all of your favorite dishes and don’t forget the cornhole and volleyball!

Or, if you’re like me, and don’t have the backyard of your dreams (yet), then go to a local public park for your BBQ party!

15. Country Concert Time!

summer bucket list for couples

Many people know that summer time is country music time, so get your yeehaw on and go to a country concert!

Rather you love or hate it, there’s a place for everyone at country concerts, all you need are friends and drinks (modestly) and it’ll be a great time!

16. Take That Roadtrip!

summer bucket list for families

Is there a roadtrip you and your friends always wanted to go on? Summer time is the PERFECT time for that roadtrip!

Summertime is vacation time, so it makes sense if you’re going to take a little bit of time off for your roadtrip.

Plus, the summertime weather is AMAZING, so take that road trip and be sure to spend LOTS of time in the sun!

17. Go To The Farmers Market!

summer bucket list for college students

If healthy whole foods are your thing (like they are mine) then summer just might be your favorite season solely because of FARMERS MARKETS (my fellow health nuts agree).

Grab all of the local fruits and veggies and full your stomach up with SUPER clean produce!

You can even travel to new locations to try farmers markets all around you. The experience is both nurturing and adventurous! 

18. Stargaze In A Hammock 

pinterest bucket list

Unless your crazy, you understand how AMAZING stargazing is. And to stargaze while relaxing on a hammock?!

This summer bucket list idea is absolutely necessary since it’s hard to do this in the cold season!

If you try stargazing in a hammock when it’s cold out, you might be shivering too much to enjoy the view! That’s why summer is the PERFECT time to stargaze in a hammock.  

19. Get That Ice Cream!

adventurous bucket list ideas

You knew it was coming….. ICE CREAMMM!!!! Obviously summer is the SEASON of ice cream, but that doesn’t mean it was going to be excluded from this list!

Ice cream, the PERFECT cold sweet to have on a summery day, not much compares!

If you’re dairy free or sugar free (like I TRY to be), then there are SO MANY amazing recipes you can find online. 

21. Hike, Hike, Hike!!

summer bucket list pinterest

As someone who loves hiking, I HAD to put this on here. You can’t go through the summer without doing at lease ONE summer hike!

I know that it’s hot during the summer, so consider a waterfall hike, beach hike, lake hike, or a high mountain hike where it’s colder!

There are many workarounds to make sure the hike is EXACTLY what you want!

22. Beach

summer bucket list ideas for best friends

I can’t make a summer bucket list without including the beach!!! Not only is the beach so much fun but it actually has SO MANY holistic benefits!

Grounding your feet brings connects you to the earth, the sun clears your skin with the vitamin D, and being outside gives you with a stress free mind.

Enjoy the beach knowing that it’s as healthy as it is fun!

24. Go Kayaking

list of summer goals

The last of the summer bucket list ideas is going kayaking. Kayaking is perfect for those who love being on the water and love working out!

Kayaking is honestly no easy feat, so when you get tired and hot, dipping yourself in the water is the perfect way out!

Kayaking is the perfect way to enjoy a hot summer day, so get paddling and enjoy the summer! 

This post was all about the most IDEAL summer bucket list ideas for the best summer ever!

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